Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

a blog no more.....

I will no longer be posting on this blog (or any of my "blogger" blogs).  
I seem to have reached my quota in photo storage so I can't upload anymore pictures - and what is a blog without pictures???    

When I have some time I will try to find a way to blog on my Shutterfly "Share" site.  
But that may be a few weeks....  
Until then I will continue to just add pictures to my share site.  

The address is :

So long, it's been fun  :(

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Beautiful Afternoon!

This afternoon about 1:45pm I shooed the boys outside because they were driving me mad in the house (this whole no - nap thing......)  and it was so nice out.  So we went outside.  Then Jack asked to go to Oakwood Park, at first I said no, but then gave in - as long as Jack would go to the bathroom first (it's always a battle) his reply - It's warm out, and I LOVE going pee outside......  oh, boys.........
So we drove over to Oakwood all set for some fun running and sliding.

But when we got there all the grass and sidewalk areas were COVERED in goose poop.  And I mean COVERED!!!!  It was disgusting.  At least the toys were clean, but it got on Jayden's shoes a few times and it was hard keeping them by the toys....  so we played for a bit, then walked around a little, then we just went to visit Grandpa & Hershey - that was cleaner... (we were sure to do-poop ourselves at the back door).

 Jumping - this was a hit (with them) until Jayden fell and probably just about broke his little arm.....  (that's Jack in mid-air)

What a nice mid-November day!

Night time fun!

Since Jayden stopped napping, later in the evening he'll just all of a sudden fall asleep.  Sometime it's on the chair while watching tv in the living room, sometimes it's on my lap in his room while reading books with Jack, sometimes he'll just crawl into bed with his puppies all on his own and go right to sleep.  I don't mind this too much, however, sometimes I do keep him out with me to cuddle while I watch tv, even if he's out-cold.  I need some quiet time with those boys during the day!!!!

He's such a sweetie :)

 And Jack has been having fun playing with daddy's tablet in the evening.  They find all kind of fun and funny games to play.  And he spends time practicing his letter & mat-man, too !

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pajama Day!

To celebrate the end of First Quarter Jack's school had a "pajama day" on Friday.  He was very excited the day before and that morning.  But he did pack regular clothes for after school - because he said "it isn't pajama day at Mrs. M's!"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Boys day at the pond!

I wasn't there - but looks like they had lots of fun exploring!!!  
(I had a fun morning exploring Brookfield Square Mall.......)

Monday, November 5, 2012


 Jack drew this picture at 5 in the morning -after being up earlier than that- on Sunday (after turning the clocks back an hour...  why why WHY?????)
 Jack brought these shells home from his trip to the B'Haven last weekend.  We cleaned them out and let them dry then I put them in a jar and glued the top on so Jack can look at it, but nothing will fall out - there was some nasty stuff in some of those, and they smelled BAD!
This afternoon Jack & I made noodle turkeys.  The first one I planned out for him to do and then he did one of his own design :)  ...he sure LOVES glue.

Friday, November 2, 2012


 On our way to Trick-or-Treat in the more "chocolate candy friendly" neighborhood of the Fall's (aka, not by our house).  Bug didn't want his picture taken.

 Our first stop - GG & Cappy's :)

 We walked around GG & Cappy's subdivision for about an hour, then drove back home, Jayden wanted to be done but Jack & I walked up and down our street to see our close neighbors who were participating.
They took in a good load - good thing too, I really needed some good chocolate this week after having to deal with these monsters......