Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jack in the puddle!

When Jack sees water what must he do??? He must get wet!!!

On Sunday we were over at G&G B's for the day and Jack found a puddle on the driveway and just had to get rid of it - how would he get rid of it? By splashing all the water out of course!!! He was having a blast so I had to take some pictures. (And his shoes are still soaking wet 24 hours later...)

What a cutie!

Home Improvements have started!

This isn't really a "Jack Adventure"...but still exciting. This past weekend we painted the living room and hallway, and Jeff's parents were over helping to stain wood work and put up our new doors. As of now we have three door installed (all closets), all the painting is done, and I've done some new decorating. There is still a lot to do - 4 doors, all the trim, baseboards, and touchup painting... but it's coming along really well and a lot faster than we originally expected.

New paint - it looks more green here, but it's really more brown.

New decor for the living room! I was very ready for a change and I think it turned out great.

Jack's very first sleepover!

This past Friday night Jack spent his first night away from home. He stayed at Grandma & Grandpa B's so mom and dad could paint the living room and hallway - and get it done all at once, and actually do it together, instead of taking turns painting, and this way there were no paint mishaps caused by Jack! I was so sad to leave him and missed him all night. But I knew he was having much more fun playing with G&G than being around a painting mess!

And we got a lot done here at home - and slept really well!

Jack does not travel light!
Jack's in the car and ready to go!

Jack & Grandpa waving bye to mom!


Jack loves cookies (and so do mom & dad) so of course he has a "cookie jar" sorting toy! He's been playing with it a lot lately - throwing the "cookies" into the top and also starting to fit them in the shaped sides!!! He's so smart :)

Jack also loves to eat cookies... but I don't have a picture of that because out hands are usually all gooey with chocolate :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Halloween Preview!

We bought Jack a Halloween costume this weekend.
He helped pick it out... so of course it's a puppy!!! A St. Bernard actually, the "puppy" ones were all too small - but it works!

And isn't he the cutest puppy you've ever seen? We think so.

Check out that puppy tush - so adorable!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jack's first Wedding!

This past Saturday we went to the wedding reception of a very good family friend. Jack was wonderfully behaved (and looked adorable)!

It was a much later night than we are used to, but Jack did great! He was getting quite sleepy at the end. But he stayed awake until about 10 min. into our drive home - and after that he was out like a light until 5:50am the next morning!!! (Which made mom very very happy)

Don't we look nice!
Jack enjoying the bread basket at dinner.

Jack enjoying the wedding cake (cheese cake)!

A very tired Jack only keeping his eyes open because Grandpa has a phone in front of him!
Jack did great at his first "formal affair" And it was so nice to have him with us - he makes everything more fun :)

Home Improvements are Coming...

Over the past week or two we have begun to plan and work on a few home renovations for this fall and winter.

We are going to work in the kitchen and the living room/hall area.

First will be the living room where we are putting in all new raised 6 panel oak doors, wood work, painting the walls, and most likely getting new living room windows. (Before Pictures)

Later this winter will be the kitchen work which, as of now, includes new floors, counter tops, refrigerator and microwave. (Before Picture)

Jeff is almost done staining the doors. Don't they look beautiful!!! I'm so excited :)

And here is Jack helping choose some paint colors.

Swimming in the bath tub!

Since summer is over (or at least the swimming part of summer is over... it's still been quite warm outside!)... Anyways, Jack hasn't been getting his fill of water-fun outside. So we're trying to continue our swim practice in the bath tub!

Practicing that front stroke!

Bath time is usually kind of short - but Jack usually has lots of fun!

Jack's Cars

Jackson loves to play in cars! That is his new "thing" lately. All he wants to do is play in the car - especially daddy's car! Unfortunately, we can't always play in the car, so we've seen quite a few tantrums... all over a car! Kids are funny.

"Take me somewhere, please!"
"I'll drive!"

Jack the Thief!

Jack found this toy lawn mower in our neighbors back yard a week or two ago and he apparently thought it was his for the taking so he brought it home with him. I let him play with it for a little while, but then we did return it (but the next day he took it again... oh well)
He really loves to cut the grass!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School!

Well, Jack survived the first day of school (daycare for him).

There were some tears of course (Jack's) but he took a pretty good nap, and sort of ate his lunch.... we know it will only get better and he'll have great mornings playing with his friends!

Check out the lunch box and turtle backpack for blankie & puppy!!!

Also, Jack will be 16 months old tomorrow :) What a big boy he is!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend!

So it's finally Labor Day Weekend - how very, very, very sad :( Although we really shouldn't complain, since Jack has been home with Mom since May 29th!!!! But all good things have to come to an end I guess. Here's what we did on the finally, beautiful, weekend of summer.

On Saturday we helped Auntie Katie & Uncle Will move into their new house in West Bend. Jack didn't eat any meals very well that day, but otherwise he was very well behaved, and took good naps! He loved the U-Haul truck, the garage, the shed, and the swing set!!! And trying to hug Cesar under the kitchen table.

On Sunday we went down to Grandma & Grandpa Stollenwerk's to help "do corn" - which involves, shucking, cutting, cooking, and bagging. It's quite a process - but goes really fast with a few people helping. And then we have delicious corn all year long! Jack loved running around the yard, playing in the sand, riding the tractor and lawn mower, and riding this new toy from Uncle Greg & Auntie Megan... it's battery powered, and he can go all by himself - he loved it!

On Monday we were trying to think of something "fun" to do for a while in the afternoon - since it was a holiday and all - and we came up with going to Menards to get a "big kid" swing for the back yard. We have the baby swing up, but now mom & dad can swing with Jack too! And I've been meaning to get one since the end of April, so it was about time!

It's back to school & daycare tomorrow.... I'm going to miss my Jack - and the morning naps when I get soooo much done at home :(

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bonus Week of Summer!

A few days before the new school year was to start (sept 1) mom got the "wonderful" news that she wouldn't be starting until Sept 8th!!! So Jack got a bonus week at home... And here's what he did...

We played at the park everyday!!! Either Oakwood or the Library. Jack loved to feed the ducks (and he kept trying to pet them). We played on the playground and in the sandbox. We checked out the baseball diamonds (and really fun fence gates) and we ran around in the grass.

We drew with chalk on grandma and grandpa B's driveway one afternoon. That was really fun! And we had to go say "hi" to Hershey and have a cookie- since we were so close by at Oakwood Park.

And of course we watched Elmo - with no pants on!!! That was a lazy morning, his pants fell off and we didn't put them back on for a while.

The weather was beautiful ALL week and we had a great time. Now it's Labor Day weekend (almost!). We're excited to help Auntie & Uncle Will move into their new house and "harvest" some corn on the cob with Grandma and Grandpa Stollenwerk... and then it's back to school.

Here's hoping for a good year :) It sure was a wonderful summer!