Thursday morning it was time to leave for home. Jeff and I were up and getting ready about 4am and we left the hotel at 5, or maybe were up at 3 and left at 4... I can't remember, but it was early!
The boys, of course, didn't want to fall back asleep right away in the car, but eventually they both did.
Overnight we had been watching some bad storms on the weather channel in and around the area we would be driving through, but we were hoping it would all miss us (and the forcasts looked like it would).
We did drive through a bad storm cell around 6or 7:30 where it just poured and poured and poured, with lots of lightening and thunder and some small hail. We drove through some slowly on the freeway, and pulled off at a rest stop for a bit. Luckily the severe stuff didn't last too long, however it was still a littly rainy & stormy for a few hours. All around us were tornado and thunderstorm watches and warnings :( There were lots of damaging tornadoes that day and the day before south and south-west of where we were driving.
The boys were very well behaved on the drive home. Jack played with all his toys, ate his snacks and watched the rain out the window. Jayden drank 4 bottles on the drive home and ate lots of yogurt......
I drove for about 2 1/2 hours, mostly through Kentucky, to give Jeff a "break" in the backseat with the boys.... at least it wasn't driving! but I'm not sure how restful it was!!!!!
We had planned on seeing how the day went and then deciding mid-afternoon if we would stop overnight around Indianapolis. We talked about it a bit, I really wanted to make it home, Jeff took a little time to decide if he could make the drive safely, and finally decided he could. So we kept going... and going.... and going.....
Jack fell asleep about 8:15 (which was like 9:15 to him with the time change, I was surprised he held out so long!) He slept until we got home. And Jayden fell asleep after dinner at 6:40 and slept until about 9pm.
Jayden however, woke up in the car at 9, but he was happy for the last hour of our drive, he drank another bottle and was playing with me. So I thought he'd be all set to go back to sleep at home - Nope! He (and I) didn't sleep much that night.
But that was ok, because the Royal Wedding coverage started at 3am, and I don't need sleep anymore anyways.....
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