We left for South Carolina right on time - 1am. Jeff and I got up about midnight to get ready. I fed Jayden right before leaving, put him in his carset - he was not happy! Then I got Jack from bed and carried him straight to the car. And even though it was 1am, no one wanted to go back to sleep except me!!! However, Jack was pretty happy and excited for a few hours, until he got so overtired I finally forced him to sleep. The three of us in the back seat slept on and off (mostly off) until about 6am.
Overall the drive down to Greenville, South Carolina was good. Towards the end (after lunch) both kids were getting a little over-tired and anxious to be out of their carseats.
Our hotel for the night was a Embassy Suites in Greenville, SC. It was very nice. And it had a pool - where we spent most of the evening.
As we were getting ready to go swimming the first night at the hotel, Jack decided he didn't want to cooperate in putting his suit on - so we took him down in his clothes to watch the rest of us swim. Eventually he apologized for his terrible behavior and I took him back up to the room to change. After that he had a wonderful time swimming.
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