We arrived in Myrtle Beach around noon on Sunday (Easter). Since we couldn't check into out hotel quite yet we drove around looking at the town and trying to find a place to eat. We ended up at Bojangles - a fried chicken and biscuit place. It was good.
And it was nice and warm and sunny outside when we arrived!
Our Hotel - We stayed at the Royale Palms Hilton, which is a condo complex attached the the Hilton Hotel. It was very nice. We had a two bedroom room, two full bath, with a full kitchen & dining room, and living room.

Jack's bedroom.

Dining room/Kitchen


Living Room

Master Bedroom


View of the pools & beach from out balcony - we were on the 23rd (of 24) floors.

After getting unpacked and bit we headed down to the beach right away since it was such a beautiful afternoon. Upper 70's and sunny. The boys had a great time in the sand and water for a few hours.

Jack loved filling his buckets with water from the ocean and then making "lasagna soup" or "cupcakes" in the sand. I "ate" a lot of sand-lasagna soup!

Jayden took to the sand right away - he loved it and he loved the sand toys.

He didn't mind sand all over his face - which was good, because everyday soon after getting to the beach he ended up with sand all over his face!

Trying out the ocean water - Jack and Jayden both liked playing in the waves.
The water was pretty warm so even I went in a bit.
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