Just got home from Jayden's 9 month check-up.
His Stats:
weight - 15lbs 15oz (1%)
height - 29in. (76%)
head - 44.5cm (27%)
His height and head are all good, but his weight is a bit on the low side, as you can see :( At his 6 month check up his weight was 8%, so we were hoping he'd go up, but he went down... The Dr. isn't overly concerned yet because his still going in an "upward" direction on the chart, even though his percentile went down.
Jayden has to go back in 6 weeks for a weight check and hopefully he goes up or stays on the same course, not go down. The doctor did say he looked good - just small and lanky, but he has good muscle tone and he doesn't look malnourished or anything, there aren't any ribs sicking out....
So I have to start supplementing nursing with a bottle or cup of formula or milk each day. The doctor said a few extra ounces each day might be all he needs. We'll see how that goes with the kid who refuses to take a bottle and has so far only taken a cup a few times from me.
Otherwise, everything looked good. Jayden got one shot - which made him very unhappy. And then we had to go to the lab to have blood drawn for an iron test and complete blood count test. They were going to do it in his arm, but his little arms are to tiny they did his finger instead. And he was NOT happy with that. Poor guy :(
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