We went up to the B'Haven lodge for two nights this week Thursday- Saturday to enjoy some time in the snow!
Both boys got sick while we were there, but they still had fun outside.

We were able to try out our new sled for the first time this year!

Sledding on the frozen water.

Jack taking a look at Grandpa's ice fishing hole....
he didn't catch anything while we were there :(

The first afternoon after coming in from outside Jack was worn out and fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie. Unfortunately ,he woke up with a fever and was very tired and a little cranky for the rest of our trip.

Grandma & Grandpa got a new toy for the B'Haven! Theses really cool foam-wood blocks. The boys had lots of fun stacking them up and knocking them down.

All set to go out in the snow!

Jack loved using his shovel... that poor boy, he just wants a little snow to play in at home!

Jayden's first time on the sled - he LOVED it! He was smiling and giggling the whole time :)

On Friday morning we took a little hike through the woods with Grandpa & Hershey.

Jayden took a sled ride, while Jack walked with me.

Daddy & Jack checking out a deer stand we came across. Jack didn't want to climb up.

Jayden walked a little towards the end of our hike - he loved being in the snow.

It looks like he fell down - but he kept laying down like that to play in the snow with his hands better! He loved it :) And it was hard for him to bend over in his snowsuit.

After out hike we came in for some lunch and play time!

Uncle Hayden & Daddy playing Blokus - we brought it us as a Christmas gift to the B'Haven :)

Jack & Grandpa played Lincoln Logs.

Back outside on the ice for more sledding when no one would take a nap :(

Friday night after we came in from playing on the ice Jayden took a little nap with me on the couch but then soon after he woke up, he started thowing up... which continued until the next morning :( Poor guy. He felt awful. Here he is sitting with some juice and small snack & a towel!

We had lots of fun for our two days at the B'Haven. It was nice for the boys to be able to get out into some snow and play for a while! They had lots of fun. It was too bad they both got sick, but fortunately they are pretty much all better now.

Jayden on the car ride home - covered in garbage bags to protect his clothes, car seat, car, me, etc. Luckily the protection was unnecessary. We made it home incident-free. Jayden cried for the first hour, then he started to fall asleep, but decided he was hungry instead. He had some peanut butter crackers and then felt much better the rest of the drive. When we got home he took a nice long nap!
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