Last weekend we went up to the B'Haven Lodge! We left home Friday morning and came home around lunch time on Sunday. We had a fun 2 days! And the weather was perfect for fall :)

The boys on our arrival... I was trying to get a good christmas picture... but they wouldn't not both look up and smile while standing in the correct spot, at the same time. Oh well.

We got up there a few hours before Grandma & Grandpa since we wanted to leave home earlier in the day. The boys were good on the drive and then we played outside all afternoon. Daddy decided to chop some wood for a campfire.

Jayden found the sand table stashed away under the partially demolished deck! The boys had lots of fun playing in it all weekend.

Jack and I enjoying some tea after dinner on Friday night.

The boys helping daddy set up Friday nights campfire. Jack loved helping with and being around the campfires. He would have liked to have one going all weekend long!

Sunggling with my boys before bed :)

Jayden is getting more comfortable around Hershey lately. At least he doesn't burst into uncontrolable tears if the dog looks at him!

On Saturday we spent most of the day outside. Daddy & Grandma and Grandpa were cleaning up the boat in the garage. The boys enjoyed sweeping pine needles off the driveway.

Saturday night - cooking some meat over the fire!

Another attempt.... not good - camera battery is pretty much shot!

On Saturday afternoon Grandma & Grandpa took the boys to the nearby zoo. They saw lots of animals and baby tigers!

Grandpa being silly for Halloween :)

Boys sitting in front of a lion... or tiger... I'm not sure.

Saturday night Jack crashed on the couch with Grandma. He had a very busy day (& no nap!).

Before leaving on Sunday morning Grandma helped Jack make a log cabin with the new Lincoln Logs.
We had a nice drive home Sunday morning and enjoyed a quiet evening because everyone was so exhausted!
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