On Saturday morning we went Apple Picking at Barthel's Farm in Mequon.
When Jack woke up that morning, the first thing he said was "Are we going apple picking today? I am so excited!"
Grandma & Grandpa Stollenwerk came with us. It was a beautiful fall day, sunny and cool with just a little bit of wind.

Jack brought his own bag to put his apples in :)

The boys did really great. Jack spent most of the time picking with Grandma & Grandpa. He listened very well and only picked the good ones off the trees, not the ones on the ground.

Jayden walked around most of the time on his own. I only carried him when we had to cover longer distances. He enjoyed walking around the trees - and he carried around an empty juice cup the whole time!

Jack is such a little farmer. (His hands were a little chilly!) AND we got his Packer hat back! Grandma brought it home for him - it was at Chase & Jillian's house... I thought we had lost it for good :)

Jayden picked one too! (out of the bag)

Our two giant, full bags of apples wedged into the stroller - those strollers sure come in handy for carting stuff around... the kids sure don't sit in them much!!!

Off to the pumpkin patch!

Jack was so excited to get a pumpkin! He found this big one out in the middle of the field, and after rolling it around a bit, he did manage to pick it up. But he didn't get this one, he found a different one.

Jayden playing with the muddy pumpkins too.

That Jack is so strong!

Grandpa & Jayden with his pumpkin seat.

We got home around noon. And after a small lunch (the boys had eaten their sandwiches in the car) it was nap time! They were both exhausted, and Jack actually slept!!!
So I got busy baking...

While the boys were sleeping I made a German Apple Cake in loaf pans (so they were smaller), a batch of Apple Strusel Muffins, 2 of the Barefoot Contessa Apple Crisps, and a Caramel Apple Cake. They are all delicious :)

After the boys went to bed that night I made 4 batches of applesauce to freeze. That was exhausting. And the next morning I made another batch of the Apple Strusel Muffins to freeze, because they were so delicious.
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