Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A week of little sleep....

This past week was a long one....
Monday night after Jayden was introduced to sweet peas he decided he didn't want to eat (food or cereal, he still nursed) - connection to the sweet peas???? I'm not sure..... But this caused some frustrated mornings and evenings.
Mornings because I didn't like him going to daycare hungry, since he won't take a bottle, and evenings because then he didn't sleep through the night. So sleeping (night and napping) and eating were a little off for Jayden most of the week.
Later in the week he did however take a liking to bananas, and has since eaten 2 1/2 jars, so eating seems to be back on track!!!
Then on Thursday Jack started getting a cold. He wasn't too bad during the day, but Thursday night was up coughing a lot - so I was also up most of the night :(
Friday night Jack was up the first part of the night and then Jayden was up...
so again, very little sleep for me.
And now on Saturday Jack still has a cold, but he cough seems a bit better. But now Jayden also developed the same cold this morning with cough, runny nose, watery eyes, etc.
Jayden had his 6 month pictures at Penney's today. I was almost going to reschedule since he wasn't feeling well, but decided I just wanted to get it over with. And he actually did really well. They were running right on time so we didn't have to wait at all.
And we got some good smiles :)
Hopefully everyone starts to feel better soon, and that I don't get sick next
(although that is pretty much inevitable at this point.....)

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