Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6 months old!

Jayden will be 6 months old tomorrow! Where did half a year go???
New things this month…
Jayden has two teeth! The first (bottom left) came through on 12/23/10 is now very prominent in his mouth. The second one (bottom right) came through soon after the new year and is still pretty small.
Jayden can army crawl/scoot himself backwards and is starting to go forwards. He can push himself up on all four (hands and feet). He cannot sit on his own yet, he just flops over.
Jayden loves to give me hugs and kisses and has recently discovered that pulling on my hair is fun. Jayden talks and coos a lot and laughs.
Right after New Years I introduced food… he didn’t take to it right away. Sweet Peas were a no-go for now. But he has eaten a few jars of bananas and peaches. He eats three meals of cereal/food (1/4-1/2 jar each) a day.
Jayden is doing good at Cathie’s. He almost always takes a good nap of at least an hour and if he fusses for food, he eats solids really good - no bottle.

Jayden loves to watch Jack, especially when Jack is being silly. He just laughs and smiles! He loves to play in his exersaucer and roll around on the floor with toys.
Jayden’s sleeping not as great lately as he was before. He goes to bed about 8pm and wakes up between 3-4am to eat, then sleeps until 6:30am. Sometimes he’ll wake up earlier or more often in the middle of the night, or stay away longer in the middle of the night. His morning nap is usually from 9:15 – 11:00ish at Cathie’s. His afternoon nap from 1:30 – 3:00ish. He gets a bath every other day, and really likes it! He likes to hear stories, put things in his mouth and watch Jack.

Jayden is wearing size 3 diapers and 9mo clothes. He is very smiley and happy.
Jack is talking up a storm and loves his brother Jay-day! But again we are having problems with hitting, kicking, and throwing toys at Jayden! And Jack needs to work on sharing the toys....
We go to the doctor tomorrow to see how much Jayden grew!

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