The boys and I had a good week! The weather was beautiful, Jack was well bahaved, and we are almost all over our colds :)

Last week Friday afternoon I made this apple crisp - it was one of the most amazing things I even baked (Barefoot Contessa recipe). It was DELICIOUS!!!

Jayden loves this little teddy bear Jack and I found in the basement a few weeks ago. He gives it hugs and kisses and cuddles it. Of course, now that Jayden loves it, Jack things that it should be his and he tried to take it to bed with him all the time.......

Jack took this picture of Jayden and I, he really likes to try and use the camera and every once in a while gets something recognizeable and not blurry.

Jack got to wear his new jammies on a cold night earlier this week. He picked them out for himself at Kohls - they are puppies (of course!) I'm sure they keep him snuggly and warm all night.

On Wednesday Jack and I cleaned up the exersaucer together and then I put Jayden in it for the first time. He liked it for a couple minutes, and then had enough. Soon enough though - I think he'll love it!!!

On Tuesday we started potty taining again......... and on Wednesday night Jack actually peed in his potty chair!!! (he hasn't done it again since though) But he is getting better at sitting down for a few minutes when I ask him to (most of the time) and trying. So that's moving in the right direction.

And of course we had lots of play time in the leaves this week! By Wednesday afternoon they were really falling down in the front so we've been able to make some bigger piles to jump it :)
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