Jack had a fantastic trick-or-treat evening!
I was a little worried earlier in the day that he wouldn't want to get into his costume, and therefore wouldn't be trick-or-treating, but as the time drew near he got excited for candy and wore the costume just fine :)
We started with costumes before dinner. I got the boys all dressed right before G&G B stopped over to see them. I had no problems getting them on - part one a success! However, then Jack thought it was time to go get candy and kept trying to walk out the back door as I was getting dinner ready!
Jayden had no complaints about his costume - it kept him toasty warm. Although I had to take it off when the sun was still shining so bright because the living room was getting so warm I didn't want him to over-heat! It got much nicer when the sun went down.

Jack with daddy just before heading out at 5pm......
the back view is cute too....
Although we left right at 5pm because Jack couldn't wait any longer... as we approached our first door, Jeff yelled out our front door that he had just checked trick-or-treat times online and found out that ours didn't start until 5:30, not 5pm like we thought!!!! So we turned around and went home.... Jack was very disappointed. He kept saying "When get more candy? When get more candy?" It was a very sad sight to see.
So we went inside and I fed Jayden, Jack enjoyed a pack of smarties, and soon enough it was time to head out again.... and now the sun was setting, so it was more fun anyways!
I walked Jack and Jayden up and down our street. Jack did great! He never said a word to anyone (even though we had practiced and practiced saying "trick or treat, thank you!" all day) After we finished out street I wanted to take Jack over to Miss Cathie's house a few blocks away. I was going to leave Jayden with Daddy since it was getting pretty cool outside, but as soon as I walked away Jayden started crying. So we got out the double stroller, and bundled Jayden into his carseat. He just stared at me during out entire walk.
And Miss Cathie was very excited to see Jack, and after a minute to two Jack warmed up and didn't want to leave! He would have gone right inside and started playing if he could have! And I was able to introduce Jayden to his soon-to-be sitter (he started crying, but Cathie got him to stop with his nuk).
We didn't stop as anymore houses during our walk because the double stroller is kind of hard to manuver, expecially around all the trick or treaters, sidewalks, steps etc, and Jack wouldn't go to a door without holding my hand. But we got plenty of candy already, so we just enjoyed a nice evening stroll.
After we were finished outside there was still about an hour of trick or treat left - and Jack was a too preoccupied with the giant bowl of candy daddy was handing out, so I spent the rest of the evening watching Toy Story in the basement with the boys, and trying to keep Jack from running upstairs everytime he heard the doorbell ring!
We all had a wonderful Halloween!