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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jack's Haircut!

On Tuesday evening after I gave the boys their baths, I was trying to comb Jack's hair - to make some sort of sense out of the thick mass of hair on his head and I just couldn't do it!

So I asked Jeff to get the clippers out.

Daddy was a little apprehensive at first - he didn't want it to be too short - but after it was all done, we agreed that Jack looked fantastic - and like such a big boy :)

All set for warm weather (if we ever get any......)

I didn't get any pictures of the major cut because I was helping hold Jack still - although he sat very well on his own for the most part. And I had to keep Jayden safe and entertained (that kid LOVES the bathroom.....) Jack showing off the finished result!
Jack also got to wear a new pair of pajamas that night, since the first pair I put on him

(after the bath, but before the hair cut) were covered in hair!!!!

He loves his firetruck jammies :)

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