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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jayden's New Diapers!

I've been waiting to get Jayden into cloth diapers because I didn't have plastic covers small enough for his little butt :) And it's hard to get all the way out to babies r us for more....

But a week or two ago as I was driving through town I noticed a Maternity/Birth Center place right here on Main Street and a sign on the window said they had cloth diaper supplies. I figured what they had would probably be more expensive and elaborate than the plastics I get at babies r us... but yesterday afternoon while out doing some errands I stopped in to check it out!

They had lots of stuff for cloth diapers - and it was all more expensive than what I had been using. But I decided to get one small cover to try out, and I got a "Snappi" which holds the diaper together instead of using pins!

When I got home and tried it all out on Jayden, it seems to work really well! The cover was a little pricey, but not too bad. I may get a few more over the coming weeks. And so far the "snappi" is great!

I won't be buying Jack any new, fancy diaper set-up though.... he'll have to make do with plastic and pins until he's potty trained (hopefully not too too much longer!!!)

Disposable diaper

Cloth diaper with "snappi" fastener!
(he's not crying from the diaper - he had just woken up and wanted to eat - not have his diaper messed around with!!!)
New diaper cover
("mommy, just feed me, please...")

All changed, and fed, and happy (with Marvin - the bug!)

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