I can't believe it's Friday already. This week went really fast.
The boys and I had lots of fun this week. And Jack was a little better behaved - which was nice. Except going down for naps is starting to become a bit of a problem, hopefully it's just a short-lived phase....
A few things we did this week.... On Tuesday I took the boys down to Grandma & Grandpa S's house so Jack could run around outside for a few hours. Jack had fun, and Jayden ate and slept. Jack was pretty tired for some reason though that day - so he wasn't as crazy happy as I thought he'd be... or maybe he just didn't know what to do without daddy there!
We also went to the park on Thursday afternoon. Jack had a great time - until he got a little too wild running around with all the other kids and had to be dragged to the car screaming. After that we went over to G&G B's for dinner since Jeff was at Open House all night. We had tacos - Jack loved them!
We also had fun playing in the house and the yard. The weather was pretty nice overall. Jack has really been into playing with his "food" again - he LOVES to cook.
And Jack spent an entire day playing "concrete" on the driveway. He was using his digger and dump truck toy and scraps of wood from the garage to lay his own concrete on the driveway. It was super cute!!!
Jayden decided to take a nap in the yard and Jack wanted to join him!

I think Jayden could fall asleep anywhere any time if you put him on his tummy - here he is draped across my leg while laying in the yard.

Jack playing "concrete". The wood pieces are the concrete, and his diggers and trucks are in the background.

My little chef :)