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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Al's Run & Walk 2009 !

It was cloudy, it was windy, it was cold, and it even snowed (I saw two flurries after we got home this afternoon).... but we still had a wonderful time at Al's Run for the third year!!!

We got an early start by meeting over at B's at 7:45. And after loading the cars... food, stroller, dog, etc. we were off. Jeff dropped off me, Katie and Jack near the starting line and then went to park the car and take the shuttle with Will. That was soooo much easier than lugging Jack, stroller, and all our stuff on to a school bus !!!

We hung out with Auntie Katie and Cesar at the starting line while we waited for the rest of our team to arrive. We had some snacks, listened to the Marquette band and walked around. It was fun!

After our team was assembled we slowly made our way towards the starting line on Wisconsin Ave. We hung out and heard some music, saw some cheerleaders, had some more snacks and tried to stay warm!

And at 10:30 we were off and walking. We did the 3-mile route this year because it was so cold. (The weather had been more promising when we first arrived... but the sun soon disappeared and it failed to get warmer....)

Jack did great. He took a nice nap before the start - for over an hour in his stroller. I was very surprised the music, loud speaker, and just being around so many people didn't wake him up. But he was wrapped up all comfy cozy and warm. He woke up just before the start. While we were walking he just laid in the stroller all covered in blankets - poor guy couldn't come out because it was soooo cold.

After the walk we had a nice tailgate lunch back at the cars. It was delicous. We didn't hang out too much longer than it took to eat because of the weather. Oh well.... we'll hope for warmer temperatures next year.

We can't wait until October 9, 2010 for the 33rd Annual Al's Run & Walk - hope you can join us :) A huge thanks to everyone who walked with us and everyone who donated money! Over the past three years we've raised over $2,300 for the NICU in memory of Jonathan!

Playing with Auntie and Cesar

It was cold! We really had to bundle up.

This year's team t-shirt!

Just before we started walking - Jack was still asleep.

Some of our team walking ahead.

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