This afternoon about 1:45pm I shooed the boys outside because they were driving me mad in the house (this whole no - nap thing......) and it was so nice out. So we went outside. Then Jack asked to go to Oakwood Park, at first I said no, but then gave in - as long as Jack would go to the bathroom first (it's always a battle) his reply - It's warm out, and I LOVE going pee outside...... oh, boys.........
So we drove over to Oakwood all set for some fun running and sliding.
But when we got there all the grass and sidewalk areas were COVERED in goose poop. And I mean COVERED!!!! It was disgusting. At least the toys were clean, but it got on Jayden's shoes a few times and it was hard keeping them by the toys.... so we played for a bit, then walked around a little, then we just went to visit Grandpa & Hershey - that was cleaner... (we were sure to do-poop ourselves at the back door).
Jumping - this was a hit (with them) until Jayden fell and probably just about broke his little arm..... (that's Jack in mid-air)
What a nice mid-November day!