Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 30, 2012

One last pool day...... ??

We haven't had the pool out very much since early July...  which is funny because it was out almost every single day in June!  It was hot today (almost 90*) so after a short trip to the park early this morning I let the boys fill up the pool.  They wanted to make a "shaving cream car wash" like they did at their friend Henry's house last week...  but we didn't have the stuff for that (water table, shaving cream....) so I let them use some dish soap in a bucket (and Jayden just dumped some in the pool as well)  It worked well - they had TONS and TONS of fun.  And now all our outside toys are shiny clean - the sand toys, trucks, cars, wagons, swings, tables....  anything plastic we washed!!!!

 And we also drew some wet chalk drawings - because that's always fun too!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of Summer.......

On Monday we went down to the pond for the final time on a weekday of the summer (we might go down this weekend if the weather is nice for Labor Day).  It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.  The boys had lots of fun taking Gator rides, exploring the gardens and swimming!

4K is almost here!

Today Jack received a letter from his teacher in the mail!!!  
He was so excited to get his very own mail!
Mrs. Skalla says she is really looking forward to meeting him and has been busy getting his classroom all ready for the start of the year.  
She also included a picture of her family :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Zoo Trip!

I took the boys to the zoo this morning while Jeff was home working on some school stuff.  We had fun, the weather was perfect.  We stayed for about an hour and a half.  By then Jack was getting tired of walking and he asked to go home for lunch.

 Jelly fish - Jack loves them!
 black bear way in the back...
 Jack said "take my picture here where it's not sunny...."
 Harbor Seal!  We don't usually see those.
 Jack the Giraffe
Jayden the Giraffe

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pledgeraising for Children's!

Brigg's & Al's Run & Walk for Children's Hospital is just around the corner!
This years' walk is Saturday, September 15th.
Our fundraising goal is $500!!!

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in donating please use the link below.  
Many Thanks!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Jayden's Ear Tube Surgery

 My sweet Jayden.  He did so good this morning :)
I woke him up a few minutes after 6am.  Got him dressed (in clean jammies) and a new diaper - he was not happy, we don't usually get dressed & changed right away like that....  Then I put on his shoes, and he grabbed a hat and we were off!
He was fine in the car for the short drive to the hospital, but then when we were getting out and I was putting some loose stuff from the car into the backpack I was bringing inside, he saw a sippy cup in my bag (it was empty - for use after the surgery) but he thought it was full and he was hungry and he WANTED IT BAD!! So he walked in crying... but soon stopped.  We registered and only had to wait a minute or two for the nurse to come get us. 

Jayden was weighed (11.1 kg - whatever that means......) and had his temperature taken then we were taken to a small room to get changed and wait for the Doctor. 
Well, Jayden would have nothing to do with that hospital gown.  I got all his clothes off, and managed to wriggle him into the gown once, but he soon took it off...  so the nurse said just to leave him.  So he got his jammies back on, but then he wouldn't settle down and wanted his shoes & hat - he was planning a get-away....  so the nurse came back with a dose of Tylenol & a mild sedative to calm him down.  
That started taking effect about about 10 minutes and he started getting wobbly and falling over - it was a bit amusing, I must admit.  

Then the anestheologist came in about 7:15 to say hi and told us we were just waiting for Dr. Grunke to get there and we'd be all set.  
The anestheologist came back just at 7:30, said they were all set, I handed him Jayden and they walked out. I could tell Jayden was already getting sleepy from the sedative, he didn't complain a bit and left with the Dr.
I went to the waiting room, where I watched the Today show's coverage of the Olympics.  It was quite peaceful. And exactly 15 minutes later, Dr. Grunke came out, told me they were done and that Jayden did great!  About 5-7 minutes later a nurse called me back to the recovery area - she told me to go through three doors and walk straight...  well I could hear that poor Jayden screaming just past door #1!!!!

I sat with him for a few minutes, while he alternated between wailing and quietness...  the nurse warned me that they can act a little "possessed" afterwards....   Then a different nurse talked about all the discharge stuff and what to do at home, etc.  And soon after we were ready to leave!  
We were back in the car at about 8:23am!
Jayden was pretty quiet for the drive, except as soon as we turned into our neighborhood he threw up a little bit - which I was warned can happed occasionally - mainly from all the crying, not the anesthesia so much...  but it wasn't too bad.

When we got in the house he was screaming and clinging to me for a few minutes, but by the time I set our stuff down, changed my clothes quick he was fine.  I gave him some juice and fruit snacks (the nurse said just give him whatever he wanted for the first few hours....  I actually asked him if he wanted ice cream on the way home - but he shook his head "no"!)
Grandpa B stopped over a few minutes to drop some stuff off and check on Jayden, then we watched tv for a few minutes, and by a little after 9am Jayden was doing great.  He was playing and moving around and babbling a lot - not actual words I can make out - but he was "talking" quite a bit.

A little after 10am I changed him and we went out for a little walk - Jayden actually walked all the way to the library park.  He wouldn't get in the stroller, he walked and ran down the sidewalk and looked at grass and flowers....  Then we played at the park for about half an hour, he was having a blast.  Then I pushed him home about 11:30, we had a little lunch. And then it was nap time - took him a while to settle down, but he was out by 12:20 or so... and still sleeping :)

So, we'll see how & if his speech progresses in the near future...  here's hoping!  
I know he did say "cookie" this morning at lunch, and I'm not sure I've heard that before from him.....

Jayden's Ear Tubes.... in his own words....

 I will not get out of this car until you give me that cup I saw in your bag.... (he wasn't allowed to have breakfast)
Where are we, I'd rather leave...  or give me that food I see over there in the corner by the coffee machine....
 I know my clothes and shoes are in here, I want them back NOW!
 See I'll put them on by myself, just help me with these shoes and I'll be on my way out that sliding door behind me....
I just feel like crying, I don't care where you take me.     Ok, thank you for the fruit snacks for "brunch" but I will not look happy for you.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pond Day!

Yesterday we spent the morning exploring at the pond for the morning, and then swimming in the afternoon.
The boys got on the tractor with Grandpa and pushed down a dead tree. 
Jack was fascinated! 

 Jack even got to steer the tractor all by himself!

B'Haven Weekend!

 Busy Bags in the car...  worked pretty well for the first 2 hours.
 Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay.  Jack had lots of fun, Jayden didn't really care.
brothers :) 
 Jayden did go on two rides with Jack.

 But this one Jayden't wouldn't keep his seatbelt on, so he had to leave - twice!
 Out to dinner with Grandma & Grandpa - wouldn't be a stay in the Northwoods without some gaming.....
 Jack the pyro - helping Uncle Hayden.

S'mores!!!!                                                 And cereal the next morning  :) 
                                                                   helping Grandpa do some tree removal.
We went to a big craft fair in Lakewood Saturday morning, Grandma bought this moose.... 
and bear.....    then we went to the sandbar - it was a little cool once out of the water!  Jack had fun :) 

 tired boy!  Rain coming - but only a few sprinkles, then it cleared up!

 Saturday night Jayden kinda took over the bed......  then I had to take the sheets out from under him to wash before we left.
Sunday morning was cool - we had to take out the sweatshirts for the first time in months!!!!
That'll probably be our last weekend up north for a while.  Thanks for the fun weekend G.G. & Cappy!