Jackson had a rough morning (behavior-wise) today. So instead of putting him in his room for "quiet-time" this afternoon while Jayden was napping, I decided to take him to some Christmas activities going on "downtown".
(And honestly, he'd already had a lot of time in his room today)
After I put Jayden to sleep, Jack and I bundled up and off we went!

Our first stop was to see Santa. Jack said he wanted to do it, even though I was a little apprehensive (I never was a "sit-on-Santa's-lap" fan myself). We got their and signed in and stood in line. Jack was very well behaved - We talked about what he was going to ask for (a truck) and we watched the kids in front of us...
And when he was Jack's turn, he walked right up, got on Santa's lap, and told him he wanted a truck for Christmas. Jack talked really soft and off to the side a bit, so it was hard for Santa to hear him, but overall he did very well and I was very proud of him.
Santa gave Jack a candy cane and a picture of one of his reindeer and then Mrs. Clause gave him a small bag of candy. Jack also got a little pack of crayons, a coloring book and a balloon and they printed a picture of him with Santa before we left.

Then we headed back down Main Street to see what else we could find to do.

And as we were walking we found a free train ride! (the horse & buggy rides were $2). I think the train rides had just started, and there was only one other kid there, so we hopped on a took a nice ride! Then some more kids came, but the conductor said we could stay on as long as we wanted, on the next ride the train was full of kids (and me and one other mom) I think Jack & I rode that rain for 20 minutes! I could tell Jack was really tired, a little longer and he would have been sleeping on the train ride :)

After the train ride we walked down the street to Associated Bank where there were some snacks and the "Meno-HAR-monee" singers. We sat and listened to one song and then headed back to the car.
We had a very fun hour and a half of mommy & Jack time :)