Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pink Eye!

Jayden has pink eye :( Yuck!

He woke up from his nap this afternoon with his right eye all gooped shut... so I called the doctor right away, and they were able to get him in at 4:30. However, since everyone else's kids are sick today too, we ended up being at the clinic for over an hour :( But Jayden was VERY well behaved. He's such a good boy. And now he has some eye drops to help.

However, I am a bit upset we had to go in at all. When Jack had pink eye (twice) I just called and a prescription for the drops was sent to the pharmacy for me to pick up with no appointment necessary. Oh well.

Not great pictures, as I was holding him on my hip and he was squirming around a lot. But you can kind of see his right eye is puffy and red :( Poor boy.

One positive to going to the Dr. was getting an update on Jayden's weight... he was 19lbs 6oz. Only slightly up from the end of August. He seems to be starting to flat-line again on the graphs. Which I don't understand because that kid eats all the time now!!! But Dr. D didn't seem too concerned.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rain boots!

Those boys and their rain boots :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Fall Saturday!

This morning the boys helped daddy "take down" the garden. It was very messy and fun work :) Afterwards, Jack went with daddy to the dump, too!
We had so much fun at play group this morning, both boys took really nice afternoon naps. After waking up, Jack played with Play-doh (new cans!) for a little while - always a treat for when he is a good boy (or it's raining - both were the case today!)

Then Jack & Jayden enjoyed an afternoon snack of "Jack Cheerios" They are actually Apple Jacks - but Jack started calling them Jack Cheerios earlier this week and it was so cute that's what we call them now !!!

Play Group!

This morning the boys and I had our first play group get-together! One of my high school classmates set it up through facebook. Only about half of the online "group" could make it today, but we still had lots of fun. We met at the Good Shepherd Church nursery - so their were lots and lots and lots of toys, and it was close to home :)

The boys played very nicely and had a great time with all the new toys and I had fun talking to other moms my age :) There were three other kids - two girls, 6 months and 15 months (perfect for Jayden!) and another boy who was almost 2.

We are going to try and meet once a month on Saturday mornings for an hour or so.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Potty Training... Day 100 or so...

Obviously stickers aren't working to get Jack to poop on the toilet...... so we are done with that approach. He's doing very well otherwise.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Al's Run 2011

We had a beautiful, cool, partly sunny day for this year's walk! Everyone had lots of fun.

The boys were all set and ready to go walking early this morning. Jack wore the Champion shirt this year, in honor of his big brother.

Jayden and I were dropped off at Marquette with Grandma, and everyone else came on the school buses from the parking lot at Summerfest. Jack had lots of fun on the bus ride.

Jack had lots of fun playing with Chase and Jillian before we started walking.

Uncle Hayden got a new Marquette hat for his birthday while we waited :)

Katie made us a new shirt design for this year - it looked great!

The kids pushing Jack to the starting line.

Jayden did not like riding in the stroller....

Jack didn't either - he got a ride on Grandpa's shoulders for most of the walk.

I carried Jayden (& his blankie - which he will not let out of his sight lately)

Our team this year - Uncle Greg, Auntie Megan, Jillian, Chase, Grandpa & Grandma B, Uncle Hayden, Jeff, Jack, Jayden & I.

We finished three miles!!! (which gets pretty long carrying a kid the whole way...) But both boys were really good all morning, they just didn't want to ride in strollers. Next year Jayden will be big enough that we'll just bring our wagon.

After the walk we had lunch in the parking lot - sandwiches, pasta salad & desserts:)

Jayden entertained himself after eating his peanut butter crackers by playing under the table with a box of plastic forks.... who needs toys??


Thanks to everyone who walked with us and/or donated again this year. We raised $341 this year, and $3,241 over the past 5!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Doing Corn!

On Saturday afternoon we went down to the pond to do corn. Grandpa & Uncle Greg had already picked it from the field that morning, so as soon as we got there I put Jayden down for a nap and we started shucking!

Jack was good helper for a while.... then he decided to just watch.

That's A LOT of corn!

It's delicious :)

I shucked for a while, then cut, and then went in to bag it up after Grandma cooked it.

When the corn was all finished - we got about 90 bags in just under 3 hours !!! The guys headed out back to help Grandpa work on his new shed. The boys had lots of fun running around.

Jack had lots of fun playing with Chase.

Chase, Jack & Jayden relaxing on the swings before dinnertime :) We had a very full, fun Saturday!

Safety Fair!

On Saturday morning I took the boys to the Menomonee Falls Safety Fair! We were looking forward to it all week :)

Jack has been wearing his fireman costume a lot around the house the past few weeks - he says he wants to be a fireman when he gets bigger!

I wanted to walk over the high school, but didn't want to push the heavy double stroller - because I knew the boys wouldn't be sitting in it when we got there and then I'd be dragging around two kids and an heavy, empty stroller! So we improvised with this one - it worked well, the boys enjoyed it :)

We got there a little early, before all the firemen were out by the trucks so we just climbed around the backs. Jayden loved it! Jack was a litt shy and unsure this year.

A group of firemen gave the boys new hats and took our picture. (Unfortunately the hats are already broken)

They loved sitting on this old-fashioned fire truck.

This is inside the dive squad truck - the seats where the divers sit after they are all dressed, before they get ready to jump in!

Watching the flag being raised at the end of the 9/11 ceremony.

View as we walked home.