Jayden has pink eye :( Yuck!
He woke up from his nap this afternoon with his right eye all gooped shut... so I called the doctor right away, and they were able to get him in at 4:30. However, since everyone else's kids are sick today too, we ended up being at the clinic for over an hour :( But Jayden was VERY well behaved. He's such a good boy. And now he has some eye drops to help.
However, I am a bit upset we had to go in at all. When Jack had pink eye (twice) I just called and a prescription for the drops was sent to the pharmacy for me to pick up with no appointment necessary. Oh well.
Not great pictures, as I was holding him on my hip and he was squirming around a lot. But you can kind of see his right eye is puffy and red :( Poor boy.
One positive to going to the Dr. was getting an update on Jayden's weight... he was 19lbs 6oz. Only slightly up from the end of August. He seems to be starting to flat-line again on the graphs. Which I don't understand because that kid eats all the time now!!! But Dr. D didn't seem too concerned.