Today we went down to Jeff's parents house to "do corn"! We had planned on doing it today last week, but then thought we couldn't because all the corn was gone, but then were surprised when we got down there this morning to swim for the day, and found out that there was corn to be found nearby, and our assembly line would go on as originally planned! Follow that???
Greg and Megan and the kids were over to help too, so it went pretty fast - fast considering all the work to be done and how much corn we ended up cooking and packing up in bags (106+ cups in 53 bags!!) Now, that's A LOT of corn :)
Jackson of course had a fantastic time playing farmer. He got to go pick the corn, ride the tractor, ride the gator, play with Chase and Jillian, play in the pond and sand.... what more could a boy want!!!
Jack picking corn (in his new mud boots from Grandma & Grandpa!)
Jack and Jillian playing in the corn field.
Jeff and I (and Jayden in the sling) shucking the corn! Jayden was a pretty good sport about it all.
Cleaning up all the corn.
Chase helping the cooked corn cool down.
Jayden sitting around while I helped bag the corn.

Jillian giving Jack a ride on the gator.
After all the corn was done, we enjoyed a delicious lunch outside - it was a beautiful day! And then went swimming! What a fun and exhausting day :)