Jack is going to be 15 months old one week from today. Up until he was 1 year I was writing about his new accomplishments, daily routine, etc. each month. But I haven't done that since his birthday - so I thought I'd do an update since I have some time this morning.
15 months!
Jack's routine: He wakes up anytime between 5:45 and 6:10, has a bottle, gets dressed and changed, eats some yogurt and graham crackers around 6:30, then we read books or play in the basement until dad wakes up around 7. Then we play in the living room or Jack makes a mess in the kitchen cabinets while I do prep work in the kitchen for the day. Some days at 8am we watch Super Why! on channel 10. That's really the only tv show Jack has shown interest in other than the Elmo's World part of Seseme Street.
At 9am I give him a bottle and by 9:20 he's down for his morning nap. This naps lasts anywhere from 1-2 hours. Most often it's an hour and a half.
When he wakes up we go play outside as long as the weather isn't raining. And that's where we stay for a few hours! Jack loves to play with water - especially if it's coming out of a hose. He also likes to play in the sand, swing, and run into the neighbors "toy yard" behind our house. Sometimes we play with the hose in the front yard and water the flowers.
Jack likes to eat his lunch outside. Either in his stroller, boosters seat at the table or just walking around. He as peanut butter and grape jelly on whole wheat bread along with applesauce or fruit chunks, and a cheese stick and a cup of juice which he sips from during the early afternoon. He's getting much better at holding the cup by himself the last few days!
Sometimes around 1:15 we walk to the park, either by the library or Rotary to play befor nap time. He loves to run around and go down the slides. He loves it if other kids are around. At 2:10 or so we start our afternoon "nap walk". Most days Jack is sleeping by 2:20. This nap with last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. He's always up by 4pm (either on his own or with some subtle prodding...)
After he wakes up we come inside and play in the living room or kitchen for a little bit before dinner. Jack has been eating Gerber Graduate meals the last month. He loves the Pasta Pick-ups Ravioli - because he can feed himself! He also likes carrots and fruit - especially peaches and blueberries. After Jack eats he "helps" mom make dinner and then sits with us while we eat at 4:30.
After dinner is daddy playtime. They usually play outside if the weather is nice, or just around the house.
At 6pm Jack gets another bottle, he usually drinks this one standing in front of me or wiggling around in my chair - but he manages to drink, so I guess that's what counts. He just can't sit still.
Then it's inside play time. Mom and Dad usually have a movie on and we play with Jack in the living room. His latest amusement is pulling everything out of the kitchen pantry (cans, bottles, etc) dragging them around and sometimes putting them back where they belong. We also play with Legos and Clipos. He likes to ride his pony and read books. He brings me the one he wants to hear and sits down on my lap. But he's a very impatient reader, and likes to turn the pages too fast.
At 7:30 he gets a bath then pajamas, bottle, and he's in his crib at 8pm. He usually "sings" himself to sleep along with his "fish" aquarium music box. He's pretty quiet all night. Sometimes I hear him awake talking to himself, but I never have to go get him or quiet him down.
Other things about Jack: The past few weeks we have seen a real decline in table manners at restaurants and in shopping carts. It is virtually impossible to take him anywhere now where he has to sit.
He can talk and communicate very well. He points a lot and will pull my leg or take my hand and lead me to where he wants to go. He can say "ball", "yuck", "hot hot hot" and "what that" and lots of "da-da-da's" - which means "dad","mom" "that", and a variety of other things. And I swear he said "Umbrella" the other day - but no one believes me, except Jeff, I think he heard it! Jack has said it at least twice!
A lot of times it sounds like he's saying other real words or phrases. He likes to wave to people, some times he's a little late and they look or drive away before he starts - but it's still cute! And he claps when he does something good (or some thing he thinks is good....). He'll also give hugs and blow kisses when he's in the right mood.
We have been practicing two baby sign language books - general terms and mealtime terms. He can do "hot hot hot", "fish", "hat", "telephone" (his favorite) and occasionally other ones.
He loves to play with remote controls and telephones. He has many toys phones and toys that aren't phones, but he makes them into phones. He walks around with it to his ear and has some very involved conversations with someone!!
He hits and bites sometimes, but he's not trying to be mean, and he's been a lot better with that the last week or so.
Jack does throw little temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. They are usually pretty quick and involve a quick high pitched scream and stomping of his feet really fast.
And man does he fall a lot! His poor little head :( Luckily we have had no major injuries yet (knock on wood). He can't sit still and always has to be going somewhere fast!
He also loves to dance - it's kind of a bounce, but he's dancing. He loves music, and tv commercial jingles, he has a few favorites which always catch his attention.
He loves apple-cinnamon cheerios, yogurt melts, graham crackers and goldfish crackers for snacks and he LOVES ice cream!
Jack is currently wearing size 24m/2T clothes and size 6 shoe. We are still using cloth diapers whenever we're home (which is like 90% of the time). Most days his only disposable is used overnight - which has saved a lot of money. He drink 20-24 ounces of whole milk each day and 4-6 ounces of apple juice.
And of course, his favorite thing is "blankie b". It's always by his side :)
That's Jack at almost 15 months!